Wednesday, December 23, 2020
Thursday, July 23, 2020
More Books Coming!
Today I ordered more copies of my memoir Radical Shifts from Volumes in Ontario. We also ordered more of Cyndie's book Heaven ROCKS! and more of my book A Year of Merciful Love. The next step is to get an ebook made of my memoir Radical Shifts and then an audio book of Radical Shifts.
Visit our website at and go to our store to see our books and CDs for sale.
Thanks for visiting!
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
More Recording
We recently recorded a song Cyndie wrote called Litany of the Holy Name of Jesus. Cyndie recorded the keyboard part. More to come! I received a newly edited version of our book A Year of Merciful Love as well as my memoir Radical Shifts. I will read through them to make sure there are no more corrections that need to be done, and we will have more books printed.
I am working on a couple of new books at the moment, as well as a course that goes along with one of the books. Cyndie will help me in developing the course.
Have a great day!
Pete Mason
Wednesday, June 17, 2020
Bass and Guitar Recording Tonight

Monday, June 15, 2020
New Batch of Radical Shifts Ordered!
Good morning! Yesterday we ordered another batch of Radical Shifts, my memoir! We sold out of the first run. Contact us at if you would like one: $20 plus $5 shipping in North America. Shipping is extra out of North America. I am working on a new book. I have actually finished it but will edit it with Cyndie's help. We are also building a course based on the book, kind of a handbook that prayer groups and churches or individuals can use.
We are happy to see new people interested in joining the Missionaries of Merciful Love. Some are just starting the 40 day course while others are taking the year of novitiate. I recently bought a book called Day by Day with Saint Francis. He is one of the patron saints of the MML. You can get the book here:
Have a great day.
Friday, June 5, 2020
Cardinal Thomas Collins Visits Me in a Dream
Good morning! Last night I had a dream that Cardinal Thomas Collins from the Archdiocese of Toronto visited me in a large hall with other church representatives and media people. I was happy to see him. My old seminary rector, Fr. Patrick Feurth was there and I was telling him that Cardinal Collins was like St. John Bosco in the seminary, often joking around with us.
Yesterday I mailed Cardinal Collins a copy of my memoir, Radical Shifts. This is what likely triggered the dream. I will share this dream with my spiritual director. A couple of days ago I dreamt that Pope John Paul II visited me in my room and a few days before that St. Bernadette of Lourdes visited us wearing a Myztery t shirt. Finally, before that, St. Padre Pio saw me in line for confession and motioned for me to come to him.
We are sending a newly edited version of my memoir to be printed in Ontario.
Have a good day!
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Ecclesiam Renovare Talks
Good morning! I have decided to change my upcoming video talks to "Ecclesiam Renovare" or Renew the Church. We have decided to postpone recording and releasing our album Love is the Answer and instead work on our next concept album.
I am also in the process of typing my spiritual journals starting in 1982 and going to the present. I will print 3 copies: one for my spiritual director, one for Cyndie and one for myself. I am learning a lot by re-reading my journal entries.
Have a great day!
I am also in the process of typing my spiritual journals starting in 1982 and going to the present. I will print 3 copies: one for my spiritual director, one for Cyndie and one for myself. I am learning a lot by re-reading my journal entries.
Have a great day!
Photo: Burial of our dear friend Derek Mason at Gardens of Gethsemane
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Getting Ready for Chair of Peter Talks
Hello! Happy Feast of Our Lady of Fatima! Here is a great movie on her apparitions: We are preparing our studio for my Chair of Peter talks that I plan to do every day in the morning, probably at 9:30 am. We are hanging up a red curtain that will be behind me.
I will be sitting on an antique chair that our family has owned for many years. We had it re-upholstered red and it looks great. I am still in the process of typing my spiritual diary from 1984 and after. It is really an interesting thing to read my journal entries from so many years ago.
I am also still in the process of writing my next book which I plan to finish within the next month.
Have a great day!
Monday, May 11, 2020
Pause on Recording to Complete Book
St. Francis of Assisi
We have decided to put a pause on recording our next album so I can finish my next book. I hope to finish the book within 30 days, and then I will create a course on Udemy based on the book. We will make a paperback book, ebook and audio book as well. I already have the cover photo for the book. Our graphic designer, Lisa from Abstract Marketing in Chatham, Ontario, will create the cover. She is away until about November on maternity leave.
The next step in our recording for the album is to lay day tempo tracks on the rest of Cyndie's songs. We will use our BOSS drum machine to set a tempo, along with our metronome, and Cyndie will play keyboards and sing. I found a place that can convert my 7 solo albums on DAT Digital Audio Tape to .wav files, so we can upload them to our website.
We had a great time on Mother's Day with Cyndie's mom (dinner) and my mom (tea and chocolates). My mom is 95 is Cyndie's mom is in her 80's. Both live in their own home. My mom has a live-in caregiver. Cyndie's mom lives on her own and we visit every week with groceries.
Have a great day!
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Recording Drum Tracks
Good afternoon! Yesterday we returned a USB cable that did not work in our studio and get back about $17 for it. Today we will record drum tracks to set the tempo for a few of Cyndie's songs on our new album. I have already recorded drum tracks on my songs. Today is the feast day of Bishop Francois de Laval, the patron saint of Canadian Bishops.
On June 1st we plan to rent a Roland digital drum set to record the drums for our album, replacing the tempo drum tracks that are on there. I may buy a DAT (Digital Audio Tape) machine to transfer my songs to a .wav file. These are my solo album, 7 in total, I think. And then we will make them available for people to listen to. Even Cyndie has not heard many of my Christian songs that I recorded before we met.
Have a good day!
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Happy Birthday to Cyndie
Happy birthday to my beloved Cyndie! She is such a blessing in my life! We have been together 15 years! We first met in Derek Mason's recording studio in Vancouver. He set us up! She joined our band Myztery right after we met, singing and playing keyboards. Today is also the feast day of St.Catherine of Sienna, my patron saint in the Missionaries of Merciful Love.
We plan to record more music in our studio this evening and maybe watch a movie on the life of St. Catherine of Sienna. I am also writing a new book that I hope to finish in a month. I also plan to make a course based on it that will have text, audio and video. I plan to make an audio book and an ebook as well. Lot's of plans!
We are re-uploading our Myztery albums to TuneCore and they will be in all kinds of digital stores and platforms, including Spotify and Apple music etc. I hope we are listed as an artist, i.e, as Myztery, and not fall into a solo artist's albums who is also called Myztery.
Have a great day!
Monday, April 27, 2020
Upgrading our Recording Studio
Good morning! We recently upgraded our recording studio from Garage Band to Logic Pro X. It has many advanced features like a mixer and buses etc. We will continue to record bed tracks, e.g., click track with bass and guitar and possibly vocals. When we are ready we will rent a digital drum kit, Roland, and I will record drums for the songs.
We are using Cyndie's MacBook Air to record our album. My computer is too old! We have about 4 songs recorded partially at this time. We are also composing music for the album after this one, which will be our 6th album. It will be a concept album. We are not telling what the concept is! You have to wait until it comes out, maybe in 2021 or 2022.
We will have a lead guitar played named Andreas, who was a friend of the late David Sinclair. David's wife and our friend Christine Sinclair recommended Andreas to us, saying that his style of lead playing is quite similar to David's. Andreas also write his own songs, which is a good sign.
Have a great day!
Pete <>
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
The Rising
Greetings in the Risen Lord! Above is my painted called "The Rising." It is acrylic on canvas. My friend Jane Appleby helped me to finish it. It now hangs in the gallery of Marcello Convertini who lives in Italy. We recently recorded keyboards for a song Cyndie wrote. This week we will set up our BOSE system in our studio for better sound for our Myztery Live on Saturday nights on Facebook concerts.
Remember, we are in the Easter Season until Pentecost, which is many weeks away! This is a time to rejoice in the Risen Lord! Even though we cannot meet closely with family and friends at this time, we can still phone friends and email them etc.
We plan to set up some kind of colourful background for our live music videos and for my ROCK Talk program and my Chair of Peter program. I do these for Myztery and the Missionaries of Merciful Love. We are busy in our home recording studio and going for walks in nearby parks. Have a great day!
Monday, April 20, 2020
Movie about St. Faustina Kowalska, Apostle of Divine Mercy
St. Faustina Kowalska
Good morning! We hope you had a good celebration of the Feast of Divine Mercy yesterday! Here is a movie about the life of St. Faustina Kowalska, a Polish mystic: It is in Polish but has an English translation. She is my second favourite Saint, after St. Therese of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face, and after Faustina, St. Francis of Assisi.
We will set up out BOSE sound system in our studio today in preparation for our next Myztery Live concert this coming Saturday night at 7 pm PST. We will both have microphones this time and my acoustic guitar will be plugged into the BOSE as well as Cyndie's keyboard.
We recorded bass guitar the other day for one of our songs. Today we will record more instruments for another song. It's great to have our own home studio at this time as it is free and we can record anytime we want.
Have a great day!
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
New Book and Course Coming!
Hello! I have decided to write a new book that deals with change. I am also going to create an online video and text course to go along with the book and also my memoir, Radical Shifts, which deals with the many changes I have gone through in my life.
Tonight we plan to record acoustic guitar on one of the songs for our Love is the Answer album. I will also eventually record a bass part. We have a lead guitarist named Andreas who will play lead on the song. We plan to also make a music video of the song. I am in the process of creating a story board for the music video.
We plan to release our album in December of 2020. I will soon consult with our business advisor and mentor, Deborah Richardson. I am reading a good book on how to have an online digital business. At this time in the world, with the global pandemic going on, almost everyone in the world faces change. Many have lost their jobs and their income. Some are ill and some have died. All these things point to the need we have to turn to God for his help in this time of radical change to our way of life.
Have a good day,
Pete <>
Wednesday, April 8, 2020
Fast and Pray for the Renewal of the Church
Today is a great day to fast and pray for the renewal of the church throughout the world. We can fast on bread and water or coffee. The world needs the pray of the church. We are called to be light for the world and salt for the earth. We are called to bear good fruit in the church and the world. We are called to be in the world but not of it.
I am writing a new book that I hope to release sometime this year. I have also completed a new book that I plan to release this December or January of 2021. We will record Monday to Friday from 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm. Today we are recording a click track and acoustic guitar for a rock ballad for our upcoming album.
Have a great day!
Pete <>
Monday, April 6, 2020
More Recording Tonight!
My Kiddush (Blessing) Cup
Hello! Tonight we will lay down a click track for a rock ballad we are doing for our upcoming album "Love is the Answer." We also plan to record acoustic guitar and possibly bass guitar tonight. We will have a drummer who records at Fiasco Bros Studios in New Westminster. I watched a video of him playing on Len Osanic's website for the studio and was very impressed. He plays with Paul Rodgers of Bad Company. We will have a lead guitarists named Andreas who lives in Maple Ridge. Our friend Christine Sinclair put us in touch with him. Our friend and Myztery lead guitarist David Sinclair RIP used to have Andreas play and record when he was unable to.
We will do another Myztery Live on Facebook this Saturday night at 7 pm PST. We were really happy with the turnout last Saturday night! We plan to improve the quality of the video eventually by getting a proper backdrop and studio lighting. We are also in the process of continuing to compose music for our next concept album, which we plan to release in 2021, God willing. :) I have done most of the writing so far so I would like Cyndie to have more input into the album.
I will be meeting in May with Deborah Richardson, our business coach for Myztery and Mystical Rose Productions. All my solo gigs in the Lower Mainland of Vancouver, BC have been cancelled due to the pandemic. I will be receiving financial assistance from the Government of Canada for the next 4 months. Have a good day!
Pete <>
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
Setting Up Our IngramSpark Account
Hello! Yesterday I set up our account with to sell our books and ebook throughout the world. I set it up as our partnership, Mystical Rose Productions. We will start with Cyndie's book "Heaven ROCKS!" about her near-death experience at the age of 13. I just have to get the Word and PDF document from Volumes in Ontario and then upload the ebook to IngramSpark.
Next we will put my memoir, Radical Shifts, up as a paperback and ebook. I plan to sell my audiobook, when I complete it, through Audible.
Tonight we will continue to compose music for our 2021 concept album and also record our song "Party in the Kitchen Tonight" for our Love is the Answer album to be released in December of 2020. We are hoping to have Craig Waddell master the album and also Len Osanic to mix it at Fiasco Bros Studios in New Westminster.
The photo today is of my playing in my band Tyranny. It was a progressive rock trio with Bob Dickson on lead guitar, Darry Major on drums and me on vocals, bass and keyboards. Have a good day!
Monday, March 30, 2020
Myztery Live on Facebook and Instagram
Good morning! The painting above is one I did using watercolour. It is called "40 Days" and is about the 40 days Jesus spent praying and fasting in the wilderness. We have not yet recorded the shakers and tambourine for Love is the Answer. We had a technical glitch on Saturday night for our Myztery Live on Facebook concert so we had to delete the video. We will try again this coming Saturday night at 7pm Pacific Standard time. We will also do a Myztery Live on Instagram concert at 6:30 pm every Saturday night! Please tune in if you are on Instagram and spread the news!
We need to buy two power supply cords for our Chauvet 4-Bar LED light units. We will set them up in our studio for our Myztery Live concerts. I will also start giving my ROCK Talks every Wednesday at 9 am Pacific Standard Time on Instagram. It will later be uploaded to Facebook.
I need to get some string cleaner from Neil Douglas music store in New West. This Thursday I am hoping to meet with Scot Buchanan, the manager of the Vancouver Long & McQuade music store, to discuss my book Radical Shifts being sold in L&M stores in Canada.
Have a great day!
Friday, March 27, 2020
Recording Percussion on Love is the Answer
Hello! Tonight Cyndie and I will record a shaker and tambourine part for our song Love is the Answer. She will play both instruments. We may end up recording a djembe part as well. I love our new studio setup in our condo. I look towards our front window. We have a large area with grass and trees across the street and we played bocce there yesterday and Cyndie beat me.
I found a solid drummer to record on our album through Len Osanic. Len's studio is in New Westminster. The drummer plays with Paul Rogers of Bad Company sometimes and he does an awesome drum sample on Len's website
I recently picked up my black Taylor acoustic/electric guitar from Neil Douglas music store in New Westminster. Mark did a great job cleaning it and putting new strings on! I played my song He Must Increase the other day for my ROCK TALK on our Myztery Facebook page. Our next Myztery Live concert on Facebook is tomorrow, Saturday, at 7pm Pacific Standard Time (Vancouver, BC). We will do these cyber concerts every Saturday at 7 pm so tune !
Pete Mason
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Radical Shifts in Music Stores!
Hello! I will be meeting soon with Scot from the Vancouver Long & McQuade music store to discuss them selling my memoir Radical Shifts. I am hoping to have it in every Long & McQuade store across Canada. I am also meeting today with Neil Douglas of Neil Douglas music store in New Westminster to pick up my black Taylor acoustic/electric guitar. I left a copy of Radical Shifts with him the other day and he may decide to sell my book in his store as well.
They changed my guitar strings and cleaned the guitar up. I could do it myself but I enjoy having someone else do it for me! :)
Have a good day!
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Recording Keyboards for Music Video Song
Queen of Peace
Good morning! Today Cyndie will record a keyboard part for our song that we are doing a music video for in June or July. I am thinking of having the keyboard like a Hammond B3 or some pulsating organ sound. I am taking my black Taylor acoustic/electric guitar to Neil Douglas music store to have new strings put on and cleaned. I bought the strings in Vancouver at Long & McQuade. I have had a few solo gigs cancelled due to the flu pandemic.
Yesterday I recorded an electric guitar part using my blue Gibson Les Paul and I also did kind of a lead solo part, very simple. Our goal is to release this album by December of 2020 so we have lots of time to record the album. I will be looking into a couple of local studios where we can mix and master the album in December.
It's a beautiful sunny day in Burnaby! I went for a brief walk in New Westminster near Neil Douglas music store. They open at 12 noon Monday to Friday. Have an awesome day!
Pete <>
Monday, March 16, 2020
Music Video Coming Soon!
St. Gemma Galgani, Mystic
Hello! We recently discovered a very talented music video producer based out of Vancouver, BC. We hope to have him produce one of our songs as a music video for our next Myztery album. We also have found an awesome venue to record the video in here in Burnaby, about 10 minutes from our place.
My memoir, Radical Shifts, has been selling well. I have received good feedback from some people who bought the book. It is always encouraging, as an author, to get positive feedback from people. What is also happening is that people are sharing my book with their family and friends.
I recently dropped off a copy to our Archbishop, Michael Miller, CSB. I also gave one to my new spiritual director. I have discovered a few small things that need correction, so in the next batch of books we will have these things fixed.
Have an awesome day and don't fret about the flu: trust in Jesus, wash your hands and keep one keepin' on!
You can read about St. Gemma Galgani here:
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Spiritual Journal
Hello! I am busy at this time typing my spiritual journal, or diary, going back to 1982 to the present. I was 20 years old in 1982! It is a wonderful experience to read how God has been working in my life from the early days until now. I encourage you to keep a spiritual journal or diary if you are not doing so already. You will grow in your union with Jesus and it will help you to avoid areas of sin and weakness.
St. Faustina kept a diary at the request of her spiritual director, so he could direct her outside of confession. What a gift her Diary is to the world! There we learn about the mercy and love of God. I still have the flu! Ugh! We plan to rent a digital drum set so I can record drums on our next Myztery album. Drums were one of the first instruments I played when I was really young.
We continue to get new people, mainly from Nigeria, who want to join the Missionaries of Merciful Love. I also learned recently that 17 members of the Secular Franciscan Order became founders of new orders. I was a member of the SFO for 22 years until I founded the Missionaries of Merciful Love in 2005. Have a good day!
Thursday, January 30, 2020
Brian Power to Record Drums on Myztery Album
Robert Powell as Jesus of Nazareth
Our friend Brian Power will be recording drums on our new Myztery album. Brian and I played music together in elementary and high school. He has a digital drum set and lives down the road from us in New Westminster. We will record the first song soon!
Here is a powerful moved called Jesus of Nazareth. It is in 3 parts. Here is part one: We hope to finish this album in several months and in 2021 record another concept album. We are also planning to start doing video interviews with Catholics who want to share their testimonies. We bought an adapter for our tripod to hold our iPhone. Eventually we plan to purchase a large digital camera that also takes videos as it will be superior quality.
I am almost half way through my newest book and it is coming along well. I have built a database of local CWL (Catholic Women's League) chapters in various parishes to see if they would like me to speak on merciful love and the spirituality of St. Faustina and St. Therese of the Child Jesus.
Have a great day!
Pete Mason
Monday, January 6, 2020
Singing at Talking at Full Gospel Businessmen's Meeting
Today I was booked to sing and speak at the Full Gospel Businessmen's meeting in Mission, BC on the second Saturday of February. I will also bring my memoir, Radical Shifts, along to sell to those interested. This is the start in 2020 of my booking singing and speaking engagements for various groups in the Lower Mainland of BC. I will also get more copies of my book A Year of Merciful Love printed, with about 65 corrections being made!
I am also starting to write a new book and so far I have all the chapter titles done. I am really looking forward to finishing this book as I believe it will really help married couples. When talking with Bill from the Full Gospel group I asked how long I had to speak, maybe 15 minutes? He said as long as when the Holy Spirit tells you to stop. I love his answer! We are indeed called to be led by the Holy Spirit and not a human time table.
We plan to finish recording our 5th Myztery album in 2020. After that we have another concept album that will will start probably in early 2020. Have a great day!
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