Monday, January 20, 2025

Rob Queen Joins Myztery as Our Drummer!


Rob Queen

Myztery is thrilled to announce that Rob Queen has joined our band! Rob did play some live shows with us in the past, noteably the Shadbolt Centre for the Arts in Burnaby and the Tom Lee Music Hall in Vancouver. We will start recording in February in preparation for our sixth album as well as getting ready for live shows.

The first song we will record is Turn Or Burn, a very fast and heavy metal tune. We will be recording in a studio in Maple Ridge. We plan to release our new album, which will be titled Love is the Answer, on vinyl. It will be a double album as there will be 17 songs on it. Welcome to Myztery Rob! Cheers!

Friday, January 5, 2024

Myztery Parousia Film to Be Released September 27th and 28th Online!


On Septbember 27th and 28th we will be holding our Global screening of our Myztery Parousia film of 17 music videos on LinkedIn Live, (27th), Facebook Live (27th) and TikTok Live (28th). The film is based on the Book of Revelation, and particulary on the Second Coming of Jesus (Parousia) to the world. Tell your friends and mark your calendars! All screenings start at 7pm PST (Pacific Standard Time) and last until about 8:30 pm. 

The music ranges from ambient, spiritual, alternative rock, techno, easy listening and pop. All music was composed by Pete and Cyndie Mason (Myztery). This is our 5th studio album. We have decided to postpone the recording of our Love is the Answer album until 2025, so we can focus on the promotion of our Myztery Parousia events. We will be networking with our Myztery Stragetic Advisor, Natalia Pardalis as well as our Myztery Business Advisor, Sherry Shadman and others.

Have a great evening!



Friday, December 22, 2023

Two Christmas Songs Uploaded!

Hello! Yesterday we uploaded two Christmas songs I wrote a long time ago. They are from my solo album, A Saviour is Born. One song is called A Saviour is Born. I play guitar and Leslie Alexander is the lead vocalist. The other song is called The Bellman's Good Morrow. It is a Medieval poem. I wrote the music and sang the song. It will be available soon on Spotify and other platforms.

We will start recording our 6th Myztery album, Love is the Answer, in early January. The album will have 17 songs on it, a mixture of rock, pop, ballads, etc. The photo today is of my Gibson Les Paul guitar, which I sold a while ago. I now play a blue Ibanez Gio electric guitar with a whammy bar.

We wish you a very merry and blessed Christmas!

Pete Mason


Thursday, December 7, 2023


Hello! We are now on our Myztery ROCK the World Tour! This, for now, is a cyber tour on TikTok, Facebook, YouTube etc. Only two more videos to go and we will have completed our Myztery Parousia album. Yesterday I visited Bonsor Banquet Hall in Burnaby near Metrotown. We plan to hold our Myztery "Love is the Answer" album release concert there in the future. It seats 300 people and has a great stage.

In January we will start recording our Love is the Answer album. The first song is called LET'S MAKE SOME NOISE! and it it a total rocker song! We opened our concerts with this song during our tour across Canada from Vancouver to Ontario and our audience went wild!

Today I will perform our song Prepare the Way for our Myztery Live on TikTok and Facebook at 4 pm PST. Usually it is at 7pm PST every Thursday but we are going on a special date night today at 6 pm

Keep on Rockin!


Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Weapons of LOVE

 Hello! We recently promoted our music video Weapons of Love. I wrote the song quite a few years ago after watching the news about a Palestinian suicide bomber who blew himself up in Israel and killed quite a few innocent Jewish people. Having relatives in Israel, this news greatly saddened me and I turned to the piano to express my feelings. I wrote the song very quickly.

Cyndie, my wife, plays piano. David Sinclair did the lead guitar. Gino Gerussi is on drums and Miles Foxx Hill plays bass. Mixed and mastered by Commodore Barret. The current war in Israel that Hamas started made me want to reach out to the Jewish people at this challenging time with a message of love, hope and peace. The entire world needs more love and peace. You can watch the video here: Weapons of Love

Peace and  LOVE!

Pete Mason

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Hello! This image is from our Parousia album for the song Second Coming. You can watch the music video for this song on our Myztery TV YouTube channel here: The Second Coming We have two more music videos to produce for our Parousia album. The total number of videos for this album is 17. We plan to book Burnaby Hall Theatre sometime in 2024 for the screening of our album/movie. It will be a free concert!

In January we will begin recording our 6th Myztery album, Love is the Answer. Like Parousia, the album will have 17 songs! The album features an awesome solo by our lead guitarist from Chatham, Ontario, Chris Rupert. He plays on our song LET'S MAKE SOME NOISE!  

Andreas Shuld will be our lead guitarist for our ROCK ballad This is My ROCK. I wrote the song way back in 1983! I completed the lyrics,  however, recently. Thanks for reading and don't forget to sign up for our monthly e-newsletter, Myztery Diamonds at Myztery




Thursday, April 6, 2023

Holy Week

Today is Holy Thursday. Tonight we celebrate the Mass of the Lord's Supper. The photo today is of our Myztery debut album. It was painted by Shawna Liles. I then ran it through a neon filter to create a unique effect. It shows the Heart of Jesus with the crown of thorns and the Blood and the Water gushing forth from his heart.

It shows the infinite mercy and love of Jesus for us, willing to die on a cross for us to save us from eternal damnation. At the top of the heart of Jesus is the cross, a symbol of our salvation. 

Tomorrow is Good Friday, followed by Holy Saturday and then Easter Sunday, the glorious day of Our Lord"s triumphant resurrection from the dead! When we were baptized, we entered into the death of Jesus and we rose with him in his resurrection. We have been given a new life in Jesus! We wish you a very blessed Holy Week and Easter!